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Lets us show you how to Manage your Events.
How it works
Planned Events
Instantly update the event date or status if you are completing a planned event.
Email the event or reply to your client straight from the planned events window.
How it works
Matter Management
- Fee earner filtering/grouping
- Created by selections to show ability to capture snapshots of data
- Show balances and maybe filter on them, explain ability to export to excel
- Group or filter on the work types
- Show the ability to hide columns and set as preferred views
- Then save view as your default or apply this as default view to all users
- Recent (last 20 clients/matters) & Favourites (selectable by drag and drop)
How it works
Matter View
- View data pages, specific to your work types, which can be customised by user.
- The accounting tab shows you the balance drop downs.
- Linked Companies, allows you to add and remove with document production available.
- Events view; gives you a document preview, email preview and can be switched on and off.
- Documents view shows all available attachments/emails (ability to filter or search for specific documents)
- Electronic File View will show all matter correspondence from beginning to end.
How it works
The ‘new’ button at Matter Level
- Create a new event for a client and add attachments.
- Creating a new email with built in MS Outlook integration allows you to send a quick email to the client which is then saved back to CaseLoad as an event.
- Add new persons, address or linked companies.
- New text message to clients work with similar behaviour and an audit trail is created to show when the text was sent, which is also saved as an event.
- Adding a new time entry gives you access to all charge categories associated with the matter work type.
- Court Diary appointment is available in the drop down menu to allow you to add new appointments in a quick action.
Benefits of using CaseLoad and The Link App
Easily change event dates
Send emails directly back to the client
Send texts to clients from planned events
Complete actions to mark events as done
Add events to your calendar